NDSU Entrepreneurship Represents at Babson Entrepreneurship Conference (BCERC) Dr. Joshua Marineau and Dr. Onnolee Nordstrom recently attended the Babson EntrepreneurshipConference (BCERC). Founded by Babson College in 1981, BCERC is considered by many tobe the...
NDSU students advance to global entrepreneurship competition NDSU students were part of the winning team at the regional Map the System competition sponsored by the Center for Entrepreneurship and Family Business at NDSU. The team will advance to present their...
Alumni Story – Hannah Lange Venture Financing Manager at North Dakota Dept. of Commerce Hannah was another one of our first students to receive the NDSU Entrepreneurship minor. Her curiosity, love of finance, and passion for entrepreneurship and female...
Alumni Story – Nathan Marcotte Nathan was a part of our very first cohort of students to graduate with our Entrepreneurship minor. He is an entrepreneurial-minded computer science graduate who thrives on pursuing new ideas and experiences and learning as much as...
Alumni Story – Dieumerci Christel Dieumerci’s story is inspiring. He was born in a refugee camp in Tanzania, and luckily at age 13, his family immigrated to America. However, in school in America he experienced a complete disconnection with his education and...